Frank Cordelle's Century Project next week at UNCW has ruffled a few feathers, not that it was a cause of concern the first time this circus came to town in 2002. The University of North Carolina Wilmington will not publicly display nude photographs of underage girls in the upcoming exhibition much to the dismay of the same group of folks that can't understand why it was wrong to sexually exploit Dakota Fanning in the making of the movie Hounddog.
Cindy Lawson, an assistant to Chancellor Rosemary DePaolo for marketing and communication, said “we wanted to be sensitive to concerns raised about nude photos of young people under the age of consent. Due to these concerns, the university requested that ‘Century Project’ photographer Frank Cordelle remove any photos of minors from the exhibit when it runs at UNCW; he has agreed.”
Why is it wrong to display these photos? Well these are underage kids, they are labeled underage because they have been deemed to be incapable of making a decision such as whether or not to take off their clothes for a photograph that will be public domain. Not only that but this "Artist" Cordelle makes money off of the exhibits, around $4,000 each week.
Janet Ellerby, of the university’s Women’s Resource Center, which is sponsoring the exhibit is pissed. How dare someone be upset that some girls are being used in a manner in which they are incapable of agreeing to participate, legally.
In fact the 16 year-old girl in the censored photo above said about her experience,(btw, it is illegal to photograph a 16 year-old nude, and equally as illegal to display the photograph...unless, of course, it's art)
Whose to say what sort of problems can arise once your parent or guardian signs a consent for allowing you to be photographed nude and have it on display all over the world? Perhaps it is a cathartic experience, perhaps it isn't. No one actually knows and it seems people like Ms. Ellerby don't care. They spend $4,000 or whatever it is, of our money, to perhaps further humiliate an already fragile human being.
This is not about "dirty pictures" or censorship, this is about common human rights and last I checked children are just as entitled to them as Mr. Cordelle.
So UNCW, let's just do away with any of this exploitation of minors in the future and use that money to focus on your students from dying or being arrested (either way ruining lives) because of the drug epidemic running rampant on your campus.
Monday, March 2-6
Warwick Center
Monday - Thursday | 9-5pm Friday: 12-3pm
Reception on Wednesday, March 4, 6-8pm
The Century Project is a realistic photographic representation of the contemporary American Female. This provocative collection is meant for all women and men who love them.
By Frank Cordelle, photographer
Sponsors: UNCW Women's Resource Center, Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, Department of History, Honors Scholars Program, The College of Arts & Sciences, Randall Library, Health Applied Human Sciences, Upperman African American Cultural Center
Monday, March 2
5-6pm, Randall Library, 2nd Floor
Q & A with Frank Cordelle, Photographer
Sue Cody: RandallLibrary
Janis Chakars: English and Journalism Professor
Adam Tate: CARE coordinator for Men's Programs
Dee Casey: Director, Violence Prevention, CARE
Bill DiNome: Student Media Coordinator
hey maybe UNCW can get a art show with artistic pictures from some pedofiles computer!
Posted by: xxoo | February 26, 2009 at 09:08 PM
Posted by: ZOINKS | March 01, 2009 at 03:16 PM
dude wth
Posted by: iambetterthanyou | June 04, 2009 at 09:18 AM
Institutions who are sick are too sick to know they're sick. God, please help them for they know not what they do.
Posted by: Lot | September 25, 2009 at 11:22 PM
You say that Janet Ellerby of the university's Women’s Resource Center "is pissed" because nude photos of underage girls cannot be displayed.....Ohhhhh poor Janet, my heart just bleeds for her. What a piece of work, this sick b***h doesn't even deserve to be called a women let alone be allowed to work in a "Women's resource center. It's quite obvious she sees these little nude girls as a "resource" to swell her own ego and spread whatever sick agenda she has, with no care as to how this may impact these girls later in life. My God people (you at the university), what hell is wrong with you, have you no freaking morals. And as for rest of the freaks working at the university who approve of displaying nude photos of children,.....arrest these bastards and the idiot photographer who wouldn't recognize "art" if it hit upside his head. Why don't you people grow up!!!!!!!!
Posted by: D. C. | September 26, 2009 at 03:15 AM
y arent they craking down on this stuff better? but i guess they dont have enough staff too see if this stuff is going on till its too late.
Posted by: Richard Stewart | December 11, 2010 at 06:27 AM
Here in the UK it's perfectly legal to have sex at is the problem with showing a nude 16 year old!? Only in the sexually repressed US...and this is supposed to be the most powerful country on earth...God help us all!!!
Posted by: fredblogs | June 29, 2011 at 03:42 AM