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June 28, 2007


On William Gore the

Perhaps Rex Gore has enjoyed his many years of service along side of Judge Gore. Looking through a prosecutor's eys one can easily see why. Could it be the many poor minorities that have received "cash only" bail(not allowed by bondsmen or property)througout the years while they were confined behind bars, "innocent until proven guilty". A total disregard of NCGS 15A-531(4) as evidenced on the reverse side of the State's AOC-CR-201. "Green money only" this "outstanding student of the Law" as referred to by Rex Gore would order his magistrates. Ironically this was ordered during "pre" not "post" trial bail issues. Many can attest to the Honorable telling jailors, law enforcement officers and other personel to "call him no matter what time" should a defendant start to post a bond(which he(Gore) set". Gore would then on many occassions raise the defendant's bail per telephone with his magistrates.(A clear denial of bail and subversion of a constitutional right) Other's in the court system (many others) tell stories very similar like Judge Gore openly saying that "there is the law and then there is the way we do things". So to you Mr. Rex Gore I will say that there is always two sides and two different opinions as to the charactor of any figure. It is sad that this figure that you speak so highly of has did more to destroy the law in his 25 years of service than any other that comes to my mind. That's my story.

Districts attorney sees effect of new GOP voters.

COPYRIGHT 2006 The Sun News

Byline: Steve Jones

Nov. 9--SHALLOTTE, N.C. -- Brunswick County District Attorney Rex Gore, elected Tuesday for his fifth term in the three-county district, was disappointed he didn't carry his home county but thinks it's due to changing demographics rather than any statement on how he's doing his job. Gore came out 2,247 votes on the short end of the Brunswick count...

You should see the castle of a house that the "former" student of the law and Rex Gore's friend lives in. Looks like Gore was never investigated for the Poker Enterprise his family has operated beside of him. The Gore Mansion is much larger than his friend Governor Mike Easley's home in Raliegh. Wonder how much corruption will now beset the DMV's office with the arrival of a "king pin" like Gore?

Bill bitm

If you want to know where alot of corruption is in this district, just look at Dennis Worley. Worley is the only attorney that gets anything he wants from the DA's office. Wonder why? Worley brags though not in public that he has the DA in his pocket.

Damien Guarniere

“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”

Benjamin Franklin quotes

miami internet

Right now, some media companies have better and more resources than some states!!

Which is impresive how they manage to get information and cover some histories better than the ones involve in cases

miami office space

It is a shame that people like this take advantage of the power they have when the people ispaying their salarys they should be ashamed of themselves very good post.


The B-25 aircraft was named the REO Speedwagon. In 1980, while attempting to land at night in Brunswick County, an off duty Sheriff Deputy spotted it on its approach to a private landing field. The Deputy apprehended the three passengers and the plane was found to contain 5 tons of marijuana and 3 tons of Quaalude's. (the ground reception committee escaped) The pilot was a Major in the Thailand Air Force. The other two passengers were contract CIA.
The aircraft was then deemed unsafe to fly and was left on the field. A week later it disappeared. It was found three years later on a hog farm in Columbus County.


This blog is mind blowing. I have to admit at first I thought it didn't have anything interesting to offer, but after read some posts my opinion changed radically.

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